Zooming In & Zooming Out
I was pondering the idea of Networked Thoughts and Human Thinking, and a big inquiry I had was how people can create and destroy the concept of "contexts", a sub-graph of the global knowledge graph. This made me realize that people can "zoom" in and out of ideas; given a context, a person can be asked for more detail or less detail, and they can provide that. For example, consider the context in my mind of the VueJs framework. I could be asked to give a one-sentence description, a paragraph description, or write a few pages. This led me to understand that I could create a composition of all the nodes and structure within that context, and I could modify the length of the composition to suit the situation.
This prompted further consideration of the idea of how we create compositions at different "granularities", like the different size descriptions. At the very least, we need to have an understanding of "importance"; how do I determine the detail to provide and the detail to leave out? Perhaps importance of a node is the number of connections I have to that node? This concept led me to believe that maybe a node is a context, and when I first learned VueJs, I would have created one such node. As I learn more, I would have created more and more nodes in the context of VueJs, entering and exiting the context as required.
Which brings me to the next question: if a node is a context, how is it actually determined what is inside that context? A basic answer would be it just contains all the nodes that are connected...and then when you "enter" the context, every node you create become implicitly connected to it. Furthermore, how do edges get composed? A relationship can be very nuanced and complicated, and can also be composed at different granularities. It seems it may be done by comparing and contrasting the two ends of the edge in some way, but that is still not entirely clear.
Finally, if I'm asked "Provide a description of VueJs to someone who already knows what React is" then I compose the context of VueJs excluding the context of React; since the person already knows it. In fact, when I'm asked "Provide a description for VueJs" I'm really just picking a default value for how much context my audience has, and then composing based on that. My answer would depend on how much my audience knows, as that will let me know what I should and shouldn't compose. Everything in VueJs is intrinsically linked to React, so this poses a challenge when it comes to including or excluding certain nodes or edges from the composition.